Board of Director's Meeting - December 9, 2015
DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Curt Barnes, Dan Eaton, Harry Boynton, Jay Wilson and Harry Nelson
The meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.
MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Nelson, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept November 2015 Board of Director's meeting minutes. Motion passes.
TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Eaton, seconded by Director Boynton, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Treasure's report. Motion passed.
COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of November and December 2015 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Boynton, seconded by Director Liller, and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator's report. Motion passed.
* By-Laws Committee - Nothing
* Regional Training Committee - Nothing
* Public Relations Committee - Director Eaton has spoken to NH Chronicle asking them if they would be interested in featuring SWNHDFMA and it history to the region. Director Eaton stated they are interested, but they would not be able right know.
* Chief Tirrell discussed the license for KCF415 which still has Cheshire County listed on the license. Director Eaton has been in contacted with the new County Administrator for assistance in removing the County from the license. Director Eaton has a meeting set up to discuss the history and licensing with the County Administrator.
* Chief Tirrell discussed the retirement party for Deputy Chief Johnson on January 30 at 1800 hours location will be the Best Western. Anyone that has not contacted the Chief if they are planning to attend should do so ASAP.
* Director Wilson asked about the Putney Mountain site and if any progress has been made. Chief Tirrell stated he passed the information on to Dale Paquin to follow up. Chief Tirrel had not heard anything at this time and will follow up with Dale.
* The Town of Charlestown would like to come and review our account books for the years of 2013, 2014, and 2015.
CORRESPONDENCE - Director Tksczyk presented a letter of resignation to the Board stating he has no time.
OPEN DISCUSSION - We discussed increasing the fees for radio repair from $65 - $75 to $75 - $85 and hour and increasing the mileage charge from $45 to $55 a mile.
The meeting was adjourned at 1955.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary