Board of Director’s Meeting - September 13, 2017
DIRECTORS PRESENT President Ken March, Treasure Chris Liller, Secretary Ted Tillson, Chief Phil Tirrell, Directors Harry Nelson, Curtis Barnes, Dan Eaton, Real Bazin, Jay Wilson, and Tom Goddard.
The meeting was called to order at 1905 hours.
GUEST – None
MEETING MINUTE A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept September 2017 Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion passes.
TREASURES REPORT Chief Tirrell provided a detailed report on where we are financially with the operational budget and the radio repair shop. A motion was made by Director Barnes seconded by Director Goddard and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the current Treasure’s report as presented. Motion passed.
COORDINATORS REPORT Chief Tirrell presented a report on his monthly activities for the months of August 12th through September 12, 2017 these activities are above the normal day to day operational activities. A motion was made by Director Goddard, seconded by Director Wilson and unanimously voted by the board members present to accept the Coordinator’s report. Motion passed.
• By-Laws Committee – The committee was asked to review a portion of the Lakes Reagion Mutaul Aid By-Laws to determine if some of the definitions could be added to SWNHDFMA By-Laws. (Automatic Response, Contracted Services, and Primary Protection). Proposed By-Law changes was presented and emailed out to all directors to review for the next Board meeting.
• Regional Training Committee – SWNHDFMA has secured a grant from Firefighter support network to train firefighters within SWNHDFMA. Currently there are 15 hoist departments for the class titled “surviving the Insult- interior Benchmarking”. If interested if there are others who would like to hoist please contact Deputy Chief Redin at There has been positive feedback about the training from everyone who has attended.
• Public Relations Committee – Nothing to report
• Attorney Adam Kossayda received a letter from Town of Charlestown for recovering lost monies. They do not agree. Attorney Kossayda letter laid out the court dates for the process ending August of 2018.
• Chief Tirrell stated the new Emergency Products Division is going well and is moving forward. The new division can also outfit non-emergency vehicles with lighting as well. Please call 603-355-2315 for more info
• Chief Tirrell stated there will be an EMT class starting August 22 held Tuesdays and Thursdays.
• Chief Tirrell stated he needs to get the figures from the State on retirement and health insurance, at this time they are not out. These figures should be in by the next Board meeting so the Board can start reviewing the budget for 2018. Some capital improvement ideas were discussed from 2018 (up-grade of the Motorola QUANTAR simulcast system, up-grade of the UL alarm system as a backup)
• Chief Tirrell has tried to meet with Chief Skantze about all of the re-tones and how they could resolve them. It was suggested by the Board to invite Chief Skantze to the next Board meeting.
• New Old Business – Director Nelson asked Chief Tirrell about the Old MAC1 car. He was told many people have seen the car driving from mutual aid to home by one of the Deputies. Director Nelson had read the March 2017 minutes which stated the 2006 Ford exposition would be sold and the old MAC1 car would be handed down to radio repair. Chief Tirrell stated having another vehicle/person to respond to incidences in that area and when Chief Tirerll is not available is important to the system. There was further discussion about cost to the budget, liability, IRS issues and even reviewing the Deputies contract. The Board asked for the March Minutes to be sent out to each Board member and the discussion would be tabled until next meeting.
CORRESPONDENCE – Letter from Chief Ed Walker who regretfully has resigned from the Board of Directors. Discussion of who in that area might be interested in serving on the Board, Tom Bates from Hancock was mentioned, Chief Tirrell will reach out to him.
The meeting was adjourned at 2015
Respectfully Submitted,
Ted Tillson, Recording Secretary